Professor of Global Border Studies |
CHA Yong Ku |
ygcha@cau.ac.kr |
B.A. History, Korea University
M.A. European Medieval History, Passau University / Germany
Ph.D. European Medieval History, Passau University / Germany
• Yong Ku Cha is a professor of Global Border Studies (GBS) and History Department at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea. He earned his PhD in medieval German history from the University of Passau, Germany. His main research and teaching interests focus on border history in Medieval Europe. He has published, among other papers, “Discourse on Borderland History between German and Polish Historians”, “From ‘Frontier’ to ‘Contact Zones’: Eastern Border Studies in the German Historiography of the Twentieth Century”, and The Borderlands of China and Korea: Historical Changes in the Contact Zones of East Asia (edited volume).
• Ph.D. 1996 European Medieval History, Passau University / Germany
• M.A. 1990 European Medieval History, Passau University / Germany
• B.A. 1986 History, Korea University
Professional Career
• 2000.3 – present: Professor, Chung Ang University
Professional Services
• 2017.11 – 2020.10: Director, Research Center for Reconciliation and Coexistence in Contact Zones, Chung Ang University
• 2017.04 – present : Corresponding Member, UNESCO Memory of the World Programme (MoW) Sub-Committee on Education and Research (SCEaR)
Research Area
• Border History, Global History, European History
Academic Publications
• CHA, Yongku(Co-author), History Reconciliation between Germany and Poland, Northeast Asian History Foundation, 2008.5. (in Korean)
• CHA, Yongku, Discourse on Borderland History between German and Polish Historians, The Jeonbuk Historical Journal 31, JEONBUK SAHAK, 2008.10. (in Korean)
• CHA, Yongku, Korea und der Islam. Handelsgeschichtliche Betrachtungen zum Mittelalter, Der Islam. Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 85/2, De Gruyter, 2011.05. (in German)
• CHA, Yongku, The Battle of Tannenberg/Grunwald (1410) : Dialectical Duet of Historical Memory and Oblivion, Sa Chong(The Historical Jouranl) 92, The Institute for the Study of History, 2017.09. (in Korean)
• CHA, Yongku, Die Reformation in aktuellen koreanischen Schulbüchern, Luther und die Reformation in internationalen Geschichtskulturen, V&R unipress, 2017.11. (in German)
• CHA, Yongku, From ‘Frontier’ to ‘Contact Zones’: Eastern Border Studies in the German Historiography of the Twentieth Century, Chung-Ang Saron. Journal of Chung-Ang Historical Studies 47, 2018.06. (in Korean)
• CHA, Yongku(Co-author), Memories of Border : The Statue of Uta in Naumburg Cathedral, Journal of Western Medieval History 44, The Korean Society For Western Medieval History, 2019.9. (in Korean)
• CHA, Yongku(Editor), The Borderlands of China and Korea: Historical Changes in the Contact Zones of East Asia, Lexington Books, 2020.
• CHA, Yongku, Nazi Medievalism, Nationalism, and Film, Korean Film and History, Routledge, forthcoming.
Professor of Global Border Studies
SOHN Byoung Kwon
B.A. Political Science, Seoul National University
M.A. Poltical Science, Seoul National University
Ph.D. American Politics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor / United States
• Byoung Kwon Sohn is a Global Border Studies(GBS) Professor at GSIS and a Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations in Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. He mostly teaches American Politics, American Foreign Policy, and Party and Legislative Politics as a subdivision of Comparative Politics. He published several books and articles, including Climate Change and the Dilemma for the U.S. Hegemony(2012, written in Korean), Is U.S. Congressional Politics Still a Model to Follow? The U.S. Congress Captured by Partisan Politics(2018, written in Korean), “The Superdelegate Reform in 2018 in the Context of Democratic Party's Delegate Reform History” (2019, written in Korea). He has also recently translated Frederick Turner’s The Frontier in American History into Korean(2020).
• Ph.D. American Politics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor / United States
• M.A. Poltical Science, Seoul National University
• B.A. Political Science, Seoul National University
Professional Career
• 2000.3 – present: Professor, Chung Ang University
Professional Services
• 2013-2014 Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Chung-Ang University
• 2013 President of the Korean Association of Party Studies
• 2013 Vice-President of the Korean Political Science Association
Research Area
• American Political Development, Comparative Study of Empires, American Foreign Policy
Academic Publicationss
• Is U.S. Congressional Politics Still a Model to Follow? The U.S. Congress Captured by Partisan Politics, Seoul: Oreum, 2018.
• Climate Change and the Dilemma for the U.S. Hegemony, Seoul: Sogang University Press, 2012.
• Democratic Deepening in Korea: Institutional Development and Challenges (with 3 other co-authors), Seoul: Oreum, 2012.
• “White Evangelical Protestants’ Support for Trump in the Viewpoint of Status Politics, Journal of American Studies,” Vol. 52, No. 3, 2020.
• “A Note on the Leadership Type of President Trump in the Context of U.S. Domestic Politics,” Korean Journal of International Relations, Vol. 59, No. 1, 2019.
• “The Notion of the State in the American Political Science: Goals and Purpose of the American Political Science before the Advent of Pluralism,” Damron 201, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2013.
• “The Rise and Fall of the Self-Execution Rule during the Final Passage of the Health Care Bill,” Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2012.
• “The Characteristics and Composition of the Tea Party Participants,” The Korean Journal of Area Studies, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2012.
• “Main Characteristics of the Presidential-Congressional Relationship under the Republican Unified Government during Bush Presidency,” The Korean Journal of Area Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2009.
• “The U.S. Response to the Rise of China,” The Korean Journal of Area Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2007,
• “2007 U.S. Immigration Reform: Process, Implication, and Pluralism in the U.S” (with two co-authors), Journal of American Studies, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2007,
Professor of Global Border Studies
CHON Woo Hyung
B.A. Korean Language and Literature, Seoul National University
M.A. Korean Modern Literature, Seoul National University
Ph.D. Korean Cultural Studies, Seoul National University
• Woo Hyung Chon is an associate professor of Global Border Studies (GBS) at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) and RCCZ Research Center in Chung Ang University (CAU), Seoul in Korea. Dr. Chon’s research has focused on the inter mediation between novel and film in modern Korea. Recently his research interest has extended to genealogical studies of literature and film representing borders and contact zones. His recent English language publications include “Candlelight Documentary as the Cultural Politics of Recording and Memorizing, and the Emergence of the Candlelight Plaza" in Korea Journal (December 2018) and "The Vernacular Aesthetics of Conte Adaptations of Western Films in Late Colonial Korea" in Journal of Korean Studies (December 2015). Dr. Chon’s Korean language publications include, among many others, a monograph Cine-roman in Colonial Era Choson (2014).
• Ph.D. 2006 Korean Cultural Studies, Seoul National University, Korea
• M.A. 2001 Korean Modern Literature, Seoul National University, Korea
• B.A. 1999 Korean Language and Literature, Seoul National University, Korea
Professional Career
• 2018.4 – present Associate Professor, RCCZ Research Center, Chung Ang University
• 2014.3 – 2018.3 Assistant Professor, Sang-huh Liberal Arts College, Konkuk University
• 2010.3 – 2014.2 Lecture Professor, Liberal Arts College, Konkuk University
Professional Services
• 2020.11 – present: Editorial Board of the Journal of Borderlands Studies (JBS)
• 2020.4 – present: Judge Board of Dongjak Foundation Arts and Culture
• 2017.9 – present: Lecture Board of Translation Academy, Literature Translation Institute in Korea
• 2020.3 – 2020.10: Conference Planner, 25th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF)
• 2018.5 – 2019.9: Conference Planner, DMZ International Documentary Film Festival
Research Area
• Cultural Studies on Borderlands, Korean Modern Literature and Film Studies
Selected Academic Publications
• 전우형, 「북중러 접경 초국가적 시민사회 건설의 서사성 연구」, 『구보학보』26, 구보학회, 2020.12.
• 전우형, 「미완의 80년대와 갱신되지 못한 90년대, 영화 <아름다운 청년 전태일>의 문화정치」, 『한국사연구』191, 한국사연구회, 2020.12.
• 전우형, 「존재하는 모든 것들의 공존-미주 이민자 전낙청의 사랑에 관한 한 상상」, 『대중서사연구』26(2), 대중서사학회, 2020.5.
• 전우형, 「사이공간과 반영웅들의 재현정치-2019 뮤지컬-오페라의 독립운동」, 『역사비평』130, 역사문제연구소, 2020.2.
• 전우형, 「영화와 기차, 폐기된 계몽의 극장」, 『서울학연구』78, 서울시립대 서울학연구소, 2020.2.
• 전우형, 「1980년대 한국영화사 담론의 접촉지대」, 『구보학보』23, 구보학회, 2019.12.
• 전우형, 「소리의 접촉지대로서 『영화시대』와 재현의 정치」, 『문학과 영상』20(3), 문학과영상학회, 2019.2.
• 전우형, 「영화소설, 소설의 영화시대」, 『근대문학』, 국립중앙도서관, 2019.11.
• 전우형, 「초기 조선어 발성영화 <미몽> 각색에 나타난 혼종적 토착화(Hybrid Vernacularization)」, 『중앙사론』(49), 중앙대 중앙사학연구소, 2019.6.
• CHON Woohyung, “Candlelight Documentary” as the Cultural Politics of Recording and Memorizing, and the Emergence of the Candlelight Plaza, Korea Journal 58(4), KOREAN NATL COMMISSION UNESCO, 2018.12.
• CHON Woohyung, Is Internet overuse associated with impaired empathic ability in Korean college students?, MEDICINE 97(39), LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 2018.9.
• 전우형, 「접경(Contact Zones)의 연쇄로서 해방 공간과 허위와 무위의 영화적 공간」, 『동악어문학』76, 동악어문학회, 2018.6.
• 전우형, 「접속하는 도시에 투영된 <접속>의 무의식적 욕망」, 『현대영화연구』13(4), 현대영화연구소, 2017.11.
• 전우형, 「한국 노동 다큐멘터리영화의 역사적 기원 연구」, 『민족문학사연구』64, 민족문학사학회, 2017.8.
• 전우형, 「1980-90년대 한국 독립영화의 전회-유령적 타자(Specter-others)와의 접속」, 『대중서사연구』23(1), 대중서사학회, 2017.2.
• 전우형, 「<반도의 봄>과 <시집가는 날>의 의사-로칼리티(Pseudo-locality) 표상」, 『어문연구』44(3), 한국어문교육연구회, 2016.9.
• Professor Sun Eae Chun is a professor and dean at the Graduate School of International Studies(GSIS) at Chung Ang University (CAU). Dr. Chun is a former visiting scholar at the Columbia University as a Fulbright scholar, and at the University of Nebraska in U.S.A. Her expertise includes International Economics, Macroeconomics and Financial Economics. Dr. Chun holds a B.A. in Economics from Korea University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from Ohio State University, U.S.A.
• Ph. D. 1995 Economics, Ohio State University, USA
• M.A. 1993 Economics, Ohio State University, USA
• B.A. 1987 Economics, Korea University, Korea
Professional Career
• 2015.1 – present Dean, GSIS, Chung Ang University
• 2013.3 – present Professor, GSIS, Chung Ang University
• 2013.3 – 2014.2 Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, NY, USA.(Fulbright Scholar)
• 2009.3 – 2013.2 Associate Professor, GSIS, Chung Ang University
• 2007.3 – 2009.2 Assistant Professor, GSIS, Chung Ang University
• 2006.7 – 2006.8 Visiting professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
• 2004.3 – 2007.2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Chonnam National University
• 2000.1 – 2004.2 Research Fellow, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation
• 1996.11 - 1998.11 Research Fellow, Korea Exchange Bank Research Institute
Professional Services
• 2018.7 – 현재 연기금 투자풀운영위원회 위원
• 2018.6 – 현재 예금보험공사, 예금보험연구포럼 자문그룹 위원
• 2017.10 – 현재 손보협회 규제심의위원회 위원장
• 2017. 7 – 현재 예금보험공사 자문위원회 위원
• 2017.1 – 2018.12 예금보험공사 금융안정연구 편집위원장
• 2016.11 – 현재 우정사업본부 보험적립금운용분과 위원회 위원
• 2016.7 – 2017. 6 한국금융학회 부회장
• 2016.3 – 현재 한국경제연구학회, World and Economy, managing editor
• 2015.2 – 2017.2 한국여성경제학회 회장
• 2015.2 – 2017.2 중소기업청, 중소기업 금융지원위원회 위원
• 2015.2 – 현재 통계청, 국가통계위원회 위원
• 2015.2 – 2017. 9 손해보험협회 규제개혁위원회 위원
• 2013.11 – 2016. 12 예금보험공사 금융안정연구 편집위원
• 2007.2 – 현재 국제경제연구 편집위원
• 2006. 8 - 2008. 7 금융발전심의위원회 심의위원v
• 2006. 7 - 2008. 6 국민경제자문회의 4기, 5기, 자문위원
• 2003. 1월 대통령직인수위원회 경제1분과위원회 자문단 자문위원
Research and Publications
Research Area
• Financial Economics, International Economics, Macroeconomics
Academic Publications
• 전선애 (with 오승곤), “금융업권간 상호연계성 및 부실전이위험과 예금보험기금 체계에 관한 연구”, 『금융안정연구』 19(2), 2018.12, pp. 157-201
• Chun, Sun Eae (with Lee Min Hwan), “Corporate Ownership Structure and Risk-Taking Evidence from Japan”, Journal of Governance and Regulation 6(4), 2017, pp. 39-52
• 전선애 (with 정성창), “우리나라 일반은행의 배당정책 및 소유구조”, 『재무관리연구』 2017. 제4호/12월호 (게재예정)
• 전선애 (with 오승곤), “미얀만의 예금보험제도 도입”, 『전략지역심층연구 16-12』 논문집 I, 2016.12, 대외경제정책연구원
• 전선애 (with 한광석), “은행의 부채구조와 예금보험료 부과베이스”, 『응용경제』 18(1), 2016.3, pp. 139-164
• 전선애 (with 오승곤), “금융회사 파산과 금융소비자보호”, 『금융안정연구』 16(2), 2015.12, pp. 143-169
• 전선애 (with 정성창), “은행의 소유구조가 대출 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향”, 『산업경제연 구』 27(6), 2014.12, pp.2709-2735
• 전선애 (with 유병철, 김종재), “Some Evidence on the Asymmetry of Interest Rate Pass-Through in Asian Economies”, Korea and the World Economy 14(2), 2013.8, pp.207~233
• 전선애, “환율의 변동성이 국제무역에 미치는 영향: ARDL Bounds검정 이용”, 『여성경제연 구』 10(1), 2013.6, pp.133~164
• Chun Sun Eae (with 김훈, 고원홍), “The Impact of Basel III Bank Regulation on Lending Spreads: Comparisons across Countries and Business Models”, Korea and the World Economy 13(3), 2012.12, pp.351~394
• 전선애 (with 고원홍), “바젤 III가 우리나라 은행의 대출 스프레드에 미치는 영향”, 『여성경제 연구』 9(2), 한국여성경제학회, 2012.12, PP.101~125
• 전선애, “금융시스템 리스크와 측정”, 『금융안정연구』 12(2), 예금보험공사, 2011.12, pp. 131~167
• Chun, Sun Eae (with 이민환, Nagano), “Ownership Structure and Risk-taking Behavior: Evidence from Banks in Korea and Japan”, Asian Economic Journal (SSCI) 25(2), 2011.6, pp.141~175
• 전선애 (with 함정호), “은행의 건전성규제와 정책과제”, 『한국경제연구』 29(3), 한국경제연구 학회, 2011.3, pp.157~197
• 전선애 (with 유병철), “장•단기 비대칭성을 고려한 우리나라 통화정책의 파급효과”, 『산업경 제연구』 24(93), 한국산업경제학회, 2011.2, pp. 25~45
• 전선애 (with 김봉한, 민홍기), “Nonlinear Dynamics in Arbitrage of the S&P 500 Index and Futures: A Threshold Error-Correction Model”, Economic Modelling (SSCI) 27(2), 2010.3, pp.566~573
• 전선애 (with 유병철), “우리나라 은행의 예.대금리차 조정의 비대칭성: 문턱자기회귀모형 (Threshold Autoregressive)의 이용”, 『금융안정연구』 10(2), 2009.12. pp.1~19
• 전선애, “금융위기하에서의 은행 자기자본규제의 한계와 정책적 시사점”, 『여성경제연구』 6, 한국여성경제학회, 2009.6, pp.89~114
• 전선애, (with 김영환, 장상청), “외국인 투자자가 국내 유가증권시장 상장기업의 배당 행태에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구: 다양한 계량경제모형의 적용”, 『재무관리연구』 26, 한국 재무관리학회, 2009.3 pp.1~29
• 전선애, “미국의 부실금융기관 정리경험과 정책적 시사점”, 『국제지역연구』 12(2), 2008 여름 (통권 45), pp.295~316
• 전선애, “신용협동조합의 예금보험제도 개선방안”, 『한국협동조합연구』 26(1), 2008.8, pp. 13~145
• 전선애 (with 정성창, 이민환), “내부자지분율이 은행의 위험추구행위에 미치는 영향 『리스크 관리연구』 19(1), 2008 봄, pp.1~30
• Chun, Sun Eae (with Mark Schuab & Bun Song Lee), "Overreaction & Seasonality in Asian Stock Indices: Evidence fromKorea, Japan and Hong Kong", Research in Finance 24, March 2008, pp.169~196
• 전선애, “은행의 프랜차이즈가치와 위험도”, 『산업경제연구』 20(6), 한국산업경제학회, 2007.12, pp.2191~2214
• Chun, Sun Eae (with Lee Bun Song and Suk Young Lim), "The Effects of Regional Characteristics on Population Growth in Korean Cities, Counties and Wards", Journal of Asian Economics 18, 2007, pp.490~508
• 전선애, “신용위험모형을 이용한 적정예금보험기금 규모의 추정과 예금보험료율체계 ”『금융학 회지』 11(3), 한국금융학회, 2006.9, pp.91~122
• 전선애, “적기시정조치제도의 의의와 개선방안”,『규제연구』 15(1), 한국경제연구원, 2006.6, pp.73~104
• Chun, Sun Eae, "Estimating Equilibrium Won/dollar Real Exchange Rate: A Behavioral Approach" 『Korean Economic Review』 22(1), 한국경제학회, 2006.6, pp. 131~152
• 전선애 (with 김정한), “원/달러 실질균형환율의 추정: 행태균형환율 접근법” 『경제연구』 24(2), 한국통상학회, 2006.6, pp.1~24
• 전선애, "A Study of Long Run Divisia Money Demand", Ph.D. Dissertation Paper, Ohio State University, 1995
기타 연구 보고서 및 단행본:
• 전선애 외, 『복합금융그룹의 리스크와 감독』, 보험연구원, 2009.4
• 전선애 외, 『금융환경변화에 따른 예탁결제원의 경쟁력 제고방안』, 증권예탁결 제원, 2007. 12
• 전선애 외, 『예금보험제도 개선 연구』, 한국금융학회, 2