중앙대학교 국제대학원


About GSIS
About GSIS

Chung-Ang's GSIS is a master’s degree program dedicated to providing its students with a comprehensive education in global aspects of business & economy, politics, international development and cooperation, and global border studies together with professional proficiency in foreign language communications. The multidisciplinary approach exposes students to a broad range of global issues and emphasizes critical understanding and analytic abilities. With the excellent faculty, the program aims to provide the innovative training of the highest quality in a global standard. The graduates of this program have shown impressive job placement records at home and abroad.

The MA program is composed of two general programs, International Studies Program (ISP), and Advanced Interpretation & Translation Program (AITP). ISP consists of four concentrations of Global Business and Finance (GB&F), Global Affairs and Trade (GA&T), International Development and Cooperation (ID&C) and Global Border Studies (GBS). AITP has four language concentrations of English, G-AITP English, Chinese, and Russian. All programs have a common educational focus on substantive knowledge in global affairs and proficiency in foreign language communications.


国际研究生院的国际学(ISP)由Global Business and Finance (GB&F)、Global Affairs and Trade (GA&T)、International Development and Cooperation (ID&C)和Global Border Studies (GBS) 等四个专业组成, 所有的课程都以英语授课。高级口译翻译系有韩·英、Global韩·英、韩·中、韩·俄专业。国际大学院的所有课程都着重于提升学生的语言、沟通能力。以此来培养具备解决问题能力的国际经营及国际关系专家、顶级水平的高级口译翻译员。

중앙대 국제대학원은 글로벌 비즈니스, 금융, 회계 및 국제관계, 국제개발협력 및 국경연구 분야를 다루는 국제학 (ISP)과 전문통∙번역학과(AITP)로 구성된 석사과정 프로그램이다. 융∙복합 시대의 글로벌 환경에 걸맞는 학제간 접근법을 통해, 학생들이 글로벌 이슈에 폭넓게 접근하고, 비판적 사고와 데이터 분석능력을 함양토록 하여, 문제해결 능력을 지닌 글로벌 인재를 양성함을 목표로 한다. 최고의 전문지식 및 실무경력을 겸비한 교수진들이 다문화적 환경에서 국제적인 수준의 혁신적인 교육을 제공하고 있다. 국제대학원 졸업생들은 국제기구, 정부부처, 굴지의 국내∙외 기업, 연구소 및 언론기관에 진출하여 활발하게 활동하며 사회에 기여하고 있다.

국제대학원의 국제학(ISP) 프로그램은 Global Business and Finance (GB&F), Global Affairs and Trade (GA&T), International Development and Cooperation (ID&C) 및 Global Border Studies (GBS)의 네개의 전공으로 구성되어 있으며, 대부분의 강의가 영어로 진행된다. 전문통∙번역학과(AITP)는 한∙영, 글로벌한영, 한∙중, 한∙러 네 개의 통∙번역전공으로 구성되어 있다. 국제대학원의 모든 프로그램은 언어 및 커뮤니케이션 능력을 강조하며, 실제적인 문제해결 능력을 갖춘 국제경영 및 국제관계 전문가, 최고의 전문통번역능력을 갖춘 전문통번역사를 양성하는데 목표를 두고 있다.