중앙대학교 국제대학원



※ 전문통번역학과(AITP)


공통 기초과목
전문통번역학과는 국제학과의 ‘Common Core Courses’의 Business Economics (1)와 International Relations을
필수로 수강해야 함.
*Business Economics (1)의 수강 의무는 학부과정 중 동일 과목을 수강한 학생들이 학기 중 waive test를 
pass할 경우 면제됨.
· 일반번역입문
· 전문순차통역 (1),(2),(3)
· 순차통역입문
· 통번역 테크놀로지와 코퍼스
· 동시통역입문
· 고급한국어 (1),(2)
· Language Clinic (1),(2)
· Korean Clinic (1),(2) (외국인)
· 모의&원격화상회의
· 실무순차통역
· 통역 프랙티컴 (1),(2)
· 번역 프랙티컴
· 전문번역세미나
· 통번역세미나 (1),(2),(3),(4)
· 국제회의 동시통역
· 문화예술콘텐츠 번역
· 글로벌 비즈니스 번역
· 로컬라이제이션 & 포스트에디팅
· T&P Communication
· GSIS 리더 포럼
· 한노통번역실습 (1)
· 한노통역실습 1, 2
· 한노번역실습 1, 2
· 한노통번역 클리닉 1
상기 AITP 과목 중 고급한국어(1)(선택과목)와 고급한국어(2)(선택과목)은 ISP 과목을 이수한 것으로 인정함.

1차 이수전공 과목명 시간 학점
전공 순차통역입문(Introduction to Simultaneous Interpretation) 3 3
전공 번역입문(Basic Traslation) 3 3
전공 통역 프랙티컴 1 (Practicum in Interpretation 1) 3 3
전공 번역 프랙티컴(Practicum in Translation) 3 3
전공 통번역 테크놀로지와 코퍼스(Interpretation & Translation Technology and Corpus) 2 2
전공 랭귀지 클리닉 1 (Language Clinic 1)/ 외국인 : 한국어 클리닉(Foreigner: Korean Clinic) 2 2
선수과목 통번역세미나 1 (Seminar in Translation & Interpretation 1) 3 P/F
ISP "고급한국어 1 (Advanced Korean 1)
※ 고급한국어 1은 ISP전공 학점으로 인정함"
3 3
국제학 1과목 3 3

2차 이수전공 과목명 시간 학점
전공 전문순차통역 1 (Consecutive Interpretation for Specific Areas 1) 3 3
전공 실무순차통역 (Practical Consecutive Interpretation) 3 3
전공 글로벌 비즈니스 번역 (Translation for Global Business) 3 3
전공 랭귀지 클리닉 2 /외국인 : 한국어 클리닉 2 (Language Clinic 2 / Foreigner: Korean Clinic 2) 2 2
선수과목 통번역세미나 2 (Seminar in Translation & Interpretation 2) 3 P/F
ISP 고급한국어 2 (Advanced Korean 2)
※ 고급한국어 2은 ISP전공 학점으로 인정함"
3 3
국제학 1과목 3 3

3차 이수전공 과목명 시간 학점
전공 동시통역입문 (Introduction to Simultaneous Interpretation) 3 3
전공 전문순차통역 2 (Consecutive Interpretation for Specific Area 2) 3 3
전공 문화예술콘텐츠 번역 (Translation of culture & Art Texts and Contents) 3 3
전공 로컬라이제이션 & 포스트 에디팅 (Localization & Post-Editing) 3 3
전공 모의 & 원격화상회의 (On-site & Video Mock Conference) 2 2
선수과목 통변역세미나 3 (Seminar in Translation & Interpretation 3) 3 P/F
ISP 국제학 1과목 3 3
* 단, 한영 T&P Communication의 경우 3차에 개설됨.

4차 이수전공 과목명 시간 학점
전공 국제회의 동시통역(Simultaneous Interpretation for International Conferences) 3 3
전공 전문순차통역 3 (Consecutive Interpretation for Specific Area 3) 3 3
전공 통역프랙티컴 2 (Practicum in Interpretation 2) 3 3
전공 전문번역세미나 (Seminar in Professional Translation) 3 3
전공 T&P Communication (Technical & Professional Communication) 3 3
전공 GSIS 리더 포럼 (GSIS Leaders Forum) 2 2
선수과목 통번역세미나 4 (Seminar in Translation & Interpretation 4) 3 P/F
ISP 국제학 1과목 3 3
4학기 총 이수학점 76학점

General Requirements

Introduction to Translation and Interpretation

Offered during the first semester to all new AITP students, this course is designed to instill in the students a theoretical and practical knowledge of translation and interpretation. This course aims to heighten the students' awareness of practical issues relevant to interpretation and translation, including professional environment and professional ethics.


Advanced B Language Discourse I, II

This course allows students to better understand and produce in their B language, both in written and oral forms. Through practices in conversion, summarizing and presentation, students will be familiarized to their B language.

Advanced Korean Language Discourse I, II

This course is for students whose native language is not Korean, or for those whose Korean fluency does not meet A language standards. Students can enhance their understanding in Korean by sentence conversion, summarizing, and presentation practices.

Language Specific Requirements

Basic Translation : Written and Sight Translation

This course provides translation strategies for various text types. Students are provided with the tools necessary to understand, analyze and solve translation problems, and will learn to produce flawless technical texts. Dealing with non-technical texts, students will learn to analyze the structure, style, text, and text type, study the register, and compare writing styles. This course will provide the opportunity writing not only ordinary papers but also academic thesis, articles, media scripts, legal provisions, reports, official documents, advertisements, and product descriptions.
The sight translation course provides the students with the opportunity to orally translate source text into target text with no or almost no preparation. In this process, students will learn to instantly cope with lexical and structural problems raised in the process of translation.

Translation of Economic and Commercial Texts

This course provides translation opportunities on various commercial texts, focusing on the world economy, finance and trade issues. Students will be able to apply the basic concepts of economy and business activities in their translation works, while developing their ability to produce texts in various style, by comparing and analyzing unique writing styles in various technical fields.
Translation of Scientific and Technical Texts
This course offers an overview of translation strategies for scientific and technical texts. Students will address stylistic, structural, cultural, and lexical problems of translation while working on texts related to IT, BT, NT, ET, medical science, biochemistry, environment, mechanical engineering, architecture, computer and telecommunications, and energy. Students will also learn to prepare various types of technical documents that can be found in journals, instruction leaflets, and patent documents

Translation of International Political and Legal Texts

This course provides the students with translation experiences with political and concerning international affairs, cooperation, development, and government structure as well as legal texts such as private documents, contracts, treaties, and legal provisions. Students can familiarize themselves with the textual differences in writing style and document format.

Translation of Culture and Art Texts & Multimedia translation

This course provides translation opportunities on various culture, art texts and multimedia contents, focusing on cultural exchanges. This course is designed to develope specific translation skills.

Seminar in Translation

Systematically studying the principles of translation acquired during the first two semesters, higher level texts will be dealt with. The style, register, and text specific characteristics will be emphasized. Furthermore, opportunities for theoretical debates over translation strategies will be provided. And new theoretical views of translation will be introduced in this course.

Practicum in Translation I, II, III

This course helps students to acquire the basic qualities necessary to work in the field immediately after graduation by providing the students with the opportunity to deal with the management of large scale projects, building and using terminology databases, and cooperation with clients. Such ability is nurtured by setting up virtual working environments of large scale translation projects and actual translation agencies. In the forth semester all students will have opportunities for internship.

Introduction to Consecutive Interpretation

This course helps the students to learn the basic principles and techniques of consecutive interpretation. The primary purpose of this course is to understand, analyze, and interpret the substantive essence of the source language and to build a logical link among the units of significance. Students will be trained by practicing with short and easy texts, with gradually increasing difficulty and length of texts.

Practical Consecutive Interpretation I, II,

The text types used in this course are those that are commonly interpreted in the actual world. Students should thoroughly research and read about the day's subject and study terminology prior to class.
Consecutive Interpretation focuses on political speeches, economic issues, scientific and technological issues and cultural issues . Students will enhance their note-taking skills and their ability to grasp the key idea. Also, lucid expressions, style, precise wording, vocalization, and smooth presentation are emphasized in this course. Students must develope their interpretation skills by understanding and rectifying any problems that may arise in the process of consecutive interpretation.

Consecutive Interpretation for Specific Areas I, II,

This course will provide interpretation opportunities for interviews, presentation, seminars, high-level talks and summit-level conferences. In this course, students can practice to overcome stage fright and develope their presentation skills, in addition to enhancing their consecutive interpretation skills. At this level, students are expected to have perfected their consecutive interpretation skills.

Introduction to Simultaneous Interpretation

This course is an introductory course to simultaneous interpretation. Students work on preparatory skills for simultaneous interpretation such as intensive training to listen and speak simultaneously. voice management and smooth delivery techniques.
Once these preliminary skills have been acquired, students will be trained to analyze the meaning of the speeches and to logically deliver the message in the target language, in accurate wording, voice and style. Non-technical topics and economic issues will be dealt with in this course, and students are expected to research and prepare for conferences, as well as to accumulate terminology lists.

Simultaneous Interpretation for International Conference

This course will be held to provide the students with the opportunity to experience the actual international conference environment. At this level, students are expected to have perfected their simultaneous interpretation skills. Interpretation techniques for media reports, video-conference, and stockholders meetings will be introduced and practiced in this course.

Mock Conference I, II

This course helps students learn basic conference terminologies, procedures and regulations that are used in international conferences. Students will set up mock conferences and practice interpretation on the topics and procedures according to the role that they have chosen. A perfect environment for consecutive and simultaneous interpretation is created, as well as serving to promote cooperation among the various language programs.

Practicum in Interpretation I, II, III

This course helps students to acquire the basic qualities necessary to work in the field immediately after graduation by providing the students with the opportunity to deal with the management of large scale conferences, building and cooperation with clients. Such ability is nurtured by setting up virtual working environments of large scale interpretation projects and actual interpretation agencies. In the forth semester all students will have opportunities for internship.