
News & Events
GSIS Joins the SDL University Program 국제대학원 SDL University Program 회원 가입 82 2018-09-20
            GSIS Joins the SDL University Program p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neu...
CAU GSIS, Cloud-based CAT Tool Training 중앙대 국제대학원, 클라우드 기반 CAT 교육 실시 56 2018-09-20
                   CAU GSIS, Cloud-based CAT Tool Training     CAU GSIS recently gain...
The Washington Center Internship Information Session 워싱턴 센터 인턴십 설명회 44 2018-09-17
The Washington Center Internship Information SessionOn Wednesday, September 12, an information session about internships at the Washington Center was held for GSIS stud...
China's Belt and Road Initiative and the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy 중국의 일대일로와 미국의 인도 태평양전략 97 2018-09-11
China's Belt and Road Initiative and the U.S. Indo-Pacific StrategyOn Thursday afternoon, September 6, GSIS held a special lecture on international affairs for GSI...
The GSIS AITP Korean-Chinese Department's Secret Weapon! China Studies Club Activities 중앙대 국제대학원 한중통번역과의 비밀병기! 중국학 동아리 활동 100 2018-09-10
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 2.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 14.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px '...
GSIS Student Club for information Technology Study 78 2018-09-10
GSIS Student Club for information Technology Study      국제대학원 통번역학과 원우 5명이 결성한 IT study club이 지난 2개월 간 IT 분야를 주제로 연구를 진...
Learning Language from Practice 59 2018-09-10
  Learning Language from Practice   - language study group is growing up in harmony     The aim of our club is to gather students who are intere...
GSIS 2018 Summer Professor Workshop 국제대학원 2018 하계 교수워크숍 개최 175 2018-06-28
GSIS 2018 Summer Professor Workshop On June 25-26, GSIS (Dean Sun Eae Chun) hosted an overnight workshop in Gangneung where professors assessed the cu...
The 2018 1st Medical Interpretation & Translation Professional Training Program 2018 제1차 의료 통번역 전문가 양성 교육 프로그램 105 2018-06-18
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} The 2018 1st Medical Interpretation & T...
[GSIS Special Lecture] Trados Lecture 2 [GSIS 특강] 2차 트라도스 강의 119 2018-06-05
[GSIS Special Lecture] Trados Lecture 2On Wednesday, May 30, a special lecture was held under Technology & Corpus for AITP students. Building...
2018 GSIS Homecoming Day Event 2018년 국제대학원 홈커밍데이 행사 187 2018-05-29
2018 GSIS Homecoming Day EventOn Friday evening, May 25, GSIS held this year's Homecoming Day event in the University Club on the 11th floor of the Ch...
SK Telecom ICT R&D Center Field Trip SK텔레콤 ICT R&D센터 필드트립 113 2018-05-28
SK Telecom ICT R&D Center Field TripOn Thursday, May 24, GSIS ISP and AITP students visited the SK Telecom ICT R&D Center in Bundang, Gyeonggi-do for a field trip...
[GSIS Special Lecture] Trends and Prospects of Global Trade Disputes from the US / [GSIS 특강] 미국발 글로벌 통상분쟁의 동향과 전망 82 2018-05-21
[GSIS 특강] 미국발 글로벌 통상분쟁의 동향과 전망 [GSIS Special Lecture] Trends and Prospects of Global Trade Disputes from the US  On the afternoon of Wednesday, M...
Seoul GSIS Union Language Exchange 연합국제대학원 언어교환 행사 76 2018-05-15
Seoul GSIS Union Language Exchange Event On May 11, GSIS (Dean Sun Eae Chun) hosted a GSIS language exchange event in the Law Building. This event was carried out...
CAU GSIS Admissions Information Session 중앙대학교 국제대학원 입학설명회 173 2018-05-03
  [CAU GSIS Admissions Information Session]      Last Saturday, April 28th, GSIS (Dean, Professor Sun Eae Chun) hosted an admissions information se...
[GSIS Special Lecture] Lecture on IT Localization [GSIS 특강] IT 로컬라이제이션 강의 140 2018-04-20
[GSIS Special Lecture] Lecture on IT Localization Last Wednesday on April 18, GSIS held a special lecture for first year AITP students. Yoonhee Jeong, a Depa...
[GSIS Special Lecture] The World of the Global Localization Business [GSIS 특강] 글로벌 Localization 기업의 현장 이야기 97 2018-04-04
The World of the Global Localization Business On March 23, GSIS held a special lecture for 2nd year AITP students to discuss "The World of the Global Loca...
[GSIS Special Lecture] Trados CAT Tool [GSIS 특강] 트라도스 CAT TOOL 강의 196 2018-03-26
[GSIS Special Lecture] Trados CAT Tool AITP Korean-English Major, Minjae Song (1st Year)   [GSIS 특강] 트라도스 CAT TOOL 강의   전문통번역학과...
2017 GSIS Commencement Ceremony 2017년도 전기 국제대학원 학위수여식(2018.02.23) 183 2018-03-19
2018 New Student Welcome Retreat (Templestay) 2018학년도 신입생 환영회(템플스테이) 295 2018-03-19
2018 Templestay to Welcome New Students   AITP Korean-English Major, Minjae Song (1st Year)     Last February 27-28, GSIS hosted its 2018 overnig...
