August 2019 Commencement Ceremony at CAU GSIS / 2019학년도 중앙대학교 국제대학원 후기 학위수여식
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2019-08-26 |
Graduation Ceremony August 2019 Commencement Ceremony at CAU
GSIS On Wednesday August 21, the
“August 2019 Commencement Ceremony at GSIS” was he... |
[Student News/재학생소식] Escort interpreting for a joint film crew of Swiss and German public broadcasters creating a documentary and others / 스위스-독일 공영방송 합작 다큐멘터리 촬영팀 수행통역 외
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2019-08-23 |
[전문통번역학과 한영전공 14기 서미현, 스위스-독일 공영방송 합작 다큐멘터리 한국편 촬영팀 NZZ Format 수행통역(사진은 해외문화홍보원 김태훈 원장님 인터뷰 모습)][Mihyeon Se... |
[Alumni News/동문소식] Interpreting at a cultural event during President Moon Jae-in’s visit to Scandinavia and others / 문재인 대통령 북유럽 순방 문화행사 통역 외
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2019-08-23 |
[AITP 한영전공 12기 이주빈, 문재인 대통령 북유럽 순방 문화행사 통역][Jubin
Lee, AITP Korean-English major, 12th class, interpreted at a
cultural event during President ... |
[Student News/재학생소식] Interpreting the 2019 International Youth Day in Korea and others / UN HABITAT 국제청년의 날 행사 통역 외
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2019-08-16 |
[전문통번역학과 한영전공 14기 손예원, 2019 글로벌 스타트업 페스티벌 전시회 통역][Yewon Sohn, AITP Korean-English major, 14th
class, interpreted the Global Startup Festiv... |
[Alumni News/동문소식] Interpreting the welcoming remarks at the UN DESA Symposium / 아태지역 UN SDGs 심포지엄 환영사 통역 외
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2019-08-16 |
[AITP 한영전공 6기 정수현, 아태지역 UN SDGs 심포지엄 환영사 통역][Suhyun Jung, AITP Korean-English major, 6th
class, interpreted the welcoming remarks at the UN DESA Sym... |
[Student News/재학생소식] Consecutive interpreting for the EU Gateway to Korea 2019 and others / EU Gateway to Korea 2019 HMT 순차통역 외
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2019-08-12 |
[전문통번역학과 한영과 14기 이지수. EU Gateway to Korea 2019 HMT 순차통역][Jisoo Lee, AITP Korean-English major, 14th
class, provided consecutive interpreting for the EU... |
[Alumni News/동문소식] Consecutive interpreting for the Secretary-General of the UN World Food Programme and others / 로마 UNWFP 유엔 세계식량계획회의 사무총장 면담 순차통역 외
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2019-08-12 |
[AITP 10기 김혜진, 로마 UNWFP 유엔 세계식량계획회의 사무총장 면담 순차통역][Hyejin Kim, AITP 10th class, consecutively
interpreted for the Secretary-General of the UN Wo... |
[Student News/재학생소식] Interpreting a special interview with an expert in cryptocurrency in the TV show, “SBS Special” and others / SBS 스페셜 가상화폐특집 전문가 인터뷰 통역 외
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2019-08-01 |
[전문통번역학과 한영과 14기 서미현. SBS 스페셜 가상화폐특집 전문가 인터뷰 통역][Mihyeon Seo, AITP Korean-English major, 14th
class, as she interprets a special interview... |
[Alumni News/동문소식] Simultaneous interpreting of the live broadcast of the 2019 Koreas- United States DMZ Summit and others / 남북미 판문점 회동 정상회담 생중계 동시통역 외
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2019-08-01 |
[전문통번역학과 한영전공 4기 정다혜, 남북미 판문점 회동 정상회담 생중계 동시통역] [Dahye Jung, AITP Korean-English major, 4th class, as
she si... |
[GSIS Club News] Chinese Simultaneous Study Group / 중국어 동시통역 스터디
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2019-07-16 |
▲전문통번역학과 한중과 스터디
전용 카페▲ An online
caf |
[GSIS Club News] Language Study Group / 언어 스터디그룹
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2019-07-12 |
Newsletter: Language Study Group
Our club established at
the beginning of the 2019 1st semester and we have 12 members. The
purpose of setting up this club is to lea... |
[GSIS Club News] Chinese Book Reading and Discussion Club / 중국어 원서 독서 토론 동아리
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2019-07-11 |
▲ The presenter gives a presentation.▲발제자가 발제하는 모습Newsletter: Chinese Book Reading and
Discussion Club
Ten second-year GSIS AITP Korean-Chinese
... |
2019 GSIS End-of-Semester Meeting / 2019년 1학기 국제대학원 종강총회 개최
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2019-06-21 |
2019 GSIS End-of-Semester Meeting On Wednesday, June 19, GSIS held an
End-of-Semester Meeting at the CAU University Club Hall. At the meeting, Dean Seon... |
2019 MC Special Lectures for MCs / 2019 MC 특별 과정
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2019-06-17 |
GSIS Special Lecture Series
-2019 MC Special Lectures for MCs-
June 12 and 14, 2019, the “2019 Special Lectures for MCs” were held, hos... |
[GSIS Special Lecture] The US-China Trade Dispute: Current State of Affairs and Future Predictions / [국제대학원 특강] 미·중 통상 분쟁 현황 및 전망
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2019-06-14 |
 ... |
[GSIS Special Lecture] Professional Translation: Legal Translation / [국제대학원 특강] 전문번역의 세계: 법률번역
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2019-05-13 |
Special Lecture on Legal Translation-Professional
Translation: Legal Translation-
On F... |
Information Session for 2019 Machine Translation Proofreaders Training Workshop / 2019 자동번역 감수자 양성과정 설명회
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2019-05-10 |
Information Session for 2019 Machine Translation
Proofreaders Training Workshop -Special
Lecture on Postediting and Posteditors- On Friday, May 3rd,
in... |
[GSIS Special Lecture] / [국제대학원 특강] Introduction to the World Trading System
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2019-04-30 |
WTO Special Lecture- A special lecture on the WTO |
CAU-GSIS Signs a Dual-Degree Program Agreement with Shandong University / 국제대학원, 산동대학과 복수학위프로그램 협약 체결
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2019-04-25 |
Signs a Dual-Degree Program Agreement with Shandong UniversityOn Tuesday the 23rd,
in the Conference Room at Hall 201, CAU-GSIS and ... |
MOU Reached between CAU GSIS and Vietnam National University, Hanoi / 중앙대 국제대학원-베트남 하노이 국립대학교간 MOU 협정 체결
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2019-04-09 |
Reached between CAU GSIS and Vietnam National University, Hanoi
On April
4, 2019, CAU GSIS reached an agreement with the University of Economy and
B... |