
News & Events
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] Past, Present, and Future of Official Development Assistance / ODA의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래 179 2022-05-12
Zoom link:  https://cau.zoom.us/j/4033789388?pwd=cWVUaTM0ZFF0T3UvWmlKQnhpMGZEdz09
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] The PPP(Public-Private-Partnership) for Infrastructure Development in Developing/PPP를 통한 개발도상국의 인프라 개발과 민관 협력 222 2022-05-04
The special lecture about The PPP(public-private-partnership) for Infrastructure Development in Developing Countries was held on May 2nd by Dr.Sangwoo Park who is an al...
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] Features & Challenges of U.S. Foreign Policy During the Biden Administration as a View of the Ukraine Conflict/우크라이나 사태로 본 바이든 행정부 시기 미국 외교정책의 특징과 도전 225 2022-04-29
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] U.S. foreign policy under Biden and its challenges in reference to the Russo-Ukraine WarOn April 22nd, GSIS held a special...
[School Events/학교행사] GSIS Admission briefing session/국제대학원 입시설명회 285 2022-04-25
2022학년도 후반기 중앙대 국제대학원(국제학과) 입시설명회2022학년도 후반기 국제대학원 국제학과(ISP) 입시설명회가 지난 4.23일(토)에 줌(ZOOM)을 통해 온라인으로 진...
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] Introduction to ODA and the role of KOICA/ODA 소개와 KOICA의 역할 177 2022-04-20
The special lecture was held on April,11th,2022 by JUNG, Sanghoon. The thrust of the talk was divided broadly into three parts. Mr. Jung started off with an introdu...
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] 세계지적재산권기구-중앙대 전문용어 프로젝트 워크샵 551 2022-04-04
세계지적재산권기구, 중앙대 국제대학원과 워크샵 개최지난 4월 1일 저녁 6시, 세계지적재산권기구(WIPO) 특허협력조약 번역국과 우리 대학 국제대학원 한영 전문통번역학과는 ...
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] 문화컨텐츠 번역산업 동향 및 현장사례 335 2022-04-01
[GSIS 특강] 문화컨텐츠 번역산업 동향 및 현장사례   국제대학원에서 3월 18일(금) ‘문화컨텐츠 번역산업 동향 및 현장사례’ 특강을 개최하였다. 비대면으로 진행된...
[GSIS Special Lecture/GSIS 특강] Current Issues in international Relations and Coorperation: Cases of Myanmar and Ukraine/최근 국제정세와 국제협력: 미얀마와 우크라이나의 사례 203 2022-03-31
GSIS Special Lecture     The GSIS special lecture by Professor Kim,Taehyun, GSIS on March,21. The theme of the lecture was “The State of World Politics No...
[School Event/학교행사] General Meeting 2022-1 / 2022-1 온라인 개강총회 340 2022-03-21
On March 19th, the 2022 GSIS Spring Semester Opening Ceremony was held online. The opening ceremony was attended by the dean of GSIS, Chun Sun Eae, ISP professors JM Fe...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(8)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(8) 434 2022-03-04
               Development prospects and localization strategies for each field of cultural content.   As Korean-made ...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(7)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(7) 226 2022-03-04
                 Comparative analysis of the localization curriculum  Localization specialists are in high demand as t...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(6)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(6) 282 2022-03-04
How to promote the Graduate School of Global Studies of Chung-Ang University  The study delves into problems of promotion methods of the Graduate School of G...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(5)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(5) 191 2022-03-04
A review of the current status of Korean content translation and localization This study sheds light on the current status of Korean contents translation and local...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(4)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(4) 51 2022-03-04
                           Research and suggestions on the translation and interpretation curriculu...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(3)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(3) 58 2022-03-04
Research on the usage of culturemes and translation strategies The study aimed to understand the lives and lifestyles of Koreans and sought ways to translate Korean...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(2)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(2) 42 2022-03-04
Promote CAU GSIS by Chinese Social Media                                   &nbs...
[GSIS Scholarship Program/GSIS 장학금 프로그램] Project Presentation for 2021 GSIS Winter Scholarship(1)/ 2021년 GSIS 동계 장학금 프로젝트 결과발표회 요약문(1) 63 2022-03-04
A review on the translation of Chinese-to-Korean video translation   South Korea and China have seen an explosion in cultural exchanges from publications to ...
[GSIS Club News] Cultural experience club Team 2/ 문화체험 동아리 2팀 179 2022-03-03
Five students from the ISP program in the International Graduate School applied for the Cultural Experience Club in the second semester of 2021. We visited many unique ...
[GSIS Club News] Cultural experience club/ 문화체험 동아리 131 2022-03-01
Five AITP students majoring in Korean-Chinese translation took the opportunity to form a cultural exchange club this semester. They went to a couple of exhibitions and ...
[국제대학원 GSIS 취업특강] 119 2022-02-20
국제대학원 GSIS 취업특강   국제대학원 취업특강이 2월 19일(토) 오후 2시-5시 개최되었다. 본 특강은 사회적 거리두기 조치에 따라 비대면 플랫폼을이용...
